Book: Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White

charlotte webI have watched the movie Charlotte’s Web so I picked that novel after reading Winnie the Pooh. Actually, I wanted to read Totto Chan, but the book is so thick it sacres me. Then I thought I would read Charlotte’s Web  first instead of Totto Chan. Here is the story of Charlotte’s Web. 

Fern’s father, Mr. Arable went out with an axe. Fern asked her mother, “Where’s Papa going with the axe?”

Fern’s mother said, “Last night, some piglets were born. And one of them is a runt, so he needs to kill it. The runt is so weak.”

Fern yelled. She stopped his father from killing the piglet. She took his axe and put it away. Then her mother gave the pig to Fern because Fern wanted to keep him. After she saved the piglet, Fern was thinking to name him. She got an idea! She named the pig Wilbur.

Everyday, Fern gave Wilbur food and water. If her school bus came, she gave a little food, water, and said goodbye to Wilbur. When she went home, Wilbur would follow Fern inside the house and wait in the steps. Fern brought a trolley, a blanket, and a doll. She picked up Wilbur and put him inside the trolley.

Time had passed. Wilbur grew big. Fern’s mother and father decided to give Wilbur to Fern’s Uncle but Fern did not want to give Wilbur to anybody. Her mother said Fern could visit him. So, Fern visited her uncle almost everyday.

In a new place, Wilbur was looking for a friend. The lamp said no. The mouse named Templeton said no.

But, there was a little voice, “I can be your friend, Wilbur!”

Wilbur said, “Where are you?”

A voice came up again. “I’m up here!”

“Where?” asked Wilbur.

A voice said, “You will see me in the morning.”

Wilbur went to sleep. The next day, Lurvy gave Wilbur food but he did not want to eat. Lurvy went to Mr. Zukerman and Lurvy said, “Your pig does not want to eat!”

Mr.Zukerman said, “Give him some medicine!”

So Lurvy did. But, Wilbur was finding the spider. The eldest sheep said to Wilbur, “If you have a new friend and she or he is still sleeping, please don’t wake him or her up.”

The sheep was right. The spider was still sleeping so Wilbur waited for her. When she woke up, the spider said, “My name is Charlotte.”

Wilbur saw the spider up in the roof of the barn. “I think you are pretty.”

“Of course! I eat butterflies, frogs, mosquitos, flies. I suck their blood!”

Wilbur had noticed that his friend was a bloodthirsty animal. They were talking and having some fun. The next day, the elder sheep told Wilbur that Mr. Zukerman wanted to kill him.

Wilbur cried to hear the news. He screamed, “I don’t want to die! Save me, somebody! Save me!”

But Charlotte said she would save Wilbur. Wilbur was confused. “Really? How?”

The next day, Fern and Avery went to see Wilbur. They played a rope, swinging in the barn. When Avery wanted to reach the rope, he fell with a big crash. He landed on the edge of Wilbur’s trough. There was the goose eggs underneath. He made a big explosion as the eggs broke. The whole barn was smelled very bad. When they got home, Avery was grounded. He must go straight to bed.

The next day, Lurvy saw Charlotte in her web. In the center of the web, there were two words woven in block letters saying ‘SOME PIG’. He rushed to Mr. Zuckerman to show what he saw in the pig pen. Mr. Zuckerman read it and told everyone to come and read it too. Right away, they had a meeting. One of them said “Terrific” and Charolotte formed the word in her web.

The next day, Lurvy  saw Wilber standing near the pigpen with the word “Terrific” above him, woven in the web. He called Mr.Zuckerman in amazement. Mr. Zuckerman called Mrs. Zuckerman, said to her that it was a miracle. Mrs. Zuckerman called the others. They all saw it. Mr. Zuckerman phoned the reporter of the newspaper to spread the news. He wanted to bring Wilbur to the Country Fair. They made a crate painted in green and gold letters that printed ZUCKERMAN’S FAMOUS PIG.

Wilbur and Charlotte went to Country Fair at summer. There, after Wilbur got a medal, he saw Charlotte was with the cocoon. The cocoon was her eggs. Charlotte couldn’t return back to the barn with Wilbur anymore because she was dying.  Wilbur took her eggs, bringing them to the barn.

The next day, Charlotte was dead alone.

At the barn, her kids hatched from the egs.  Many of them ran away from the barn, but some stayed and built their webs where Charlotte’s last time’s place. Wilbur asked their name. They started to create names for themselves. The first one said she was  Joy. The second one said she was Aranea. The third one said she was Nellie. They became best friends.

Time had passed. Many children and grandchildren of Charlotte became Wilbur’s friends too. But Wilbur would not forget about Charlotte, his best friend ever.

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